ASTEROIDS, NEO, & Apophis in 2029+

What is Known

Realistic Concerns

Possible Consequences

Cost Accounting



A Non-Profit


TETRADYN - Power in Balance - Now IRI - Intelligence Renaissance Industries
Intelligence Renaissance Industries

ASTRIC Technology applied to Space-based Solar Power
ASTRIC Main Site


Contribute on a Non-Profit Basis

The Institute for Sustainable Economy and Community (ISEC; is a non-profit charitable foundation, established in 2007, its 501c(3) application in process (any contribution you make can be tax-deductible), and any donations made for the purposes of supporting the ASTRIC project for asteroid collision deterrence will be used expressly for that work.

We do need your assistance. Whether it is $10 or $100 or more, every bit will help to move ASTRIC forward, and we are exceedingly and exactingly careful about keeping the lines and drawers separate and distinct - your contribution goes for the (obviously, we hope you understand) not-for-profit work of foing something that benefits the entire human race and the whole planet, and not for whatever commercial other things can come of ASTRIC work. Please note that you can specify your contribution to be only for ASTRIC work and distinct from other ISEC activities, such as the EcOasis Project (PodLabs for emergency relief and water-power-health community assistance and rebuilding.).

But guess what? In the event of anything like an asteroid collision, you're going to need EcOasis type Pods all over the place.

They will be life-savers and community-economy-rebuilders.

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