Basic Architecture
1. Networks of Small, Reusable, Multifunctional
Applying the principles of Nature and Computer Science
to the way we build and the way we respond (including stopping intrusive traveling objects).
2. Geometry and Newtonian Mechanics First
Elegant and obtuse may be nice for impressing grant review panels and
academic pundits but there is no reason to build the Great Eastern when a dinghy will do.
3. Insects know Better
Spiders are not the most popular of God's creatures but they certainly
have mastered a few techniques in managing work with oversized, unwieldy objects.
Big and clunky is Out, Graceful Nets are In.
4. Serious Details
It's in the maths and simulations, and now we are physically building prototypes.
But frankly, you need to sign an NDA to learn details. The old adage "publish or perish" has
turned out in this Era of Unadulterated Greed into "publish and perish." Contact us. We're serious,
honest, for real, but tired of prima donas from Silicon Valley and Wall Street and Washington stealing our work.